Sunday, March 14, 2010

Time for Good-bye

As my family prepares to say our final good-byes to my Mother I feel it is time to say good-bye to Lily's blog. My Mom had a long courageous battle with cancer and we will miss her dearly, I can only aspire to be such a mother. She was so proud of Lily and I am so pleased that she lived long enough to meet her and love her so...Dale and I will definitely keep her memory alive for Lily.

Thank so much for following along and your support. I will update Facebook occasionally with some pics of Lily. Take care, Noella

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Morning rituals

Lily is becoming quite the mimic. She now files her nails everyday, mind you she files her toes nails with her socks and sneakers on, she puts on face cream and various other things...we now have to be very careful about what we say or do. We put an oatmeal bath powder in her tub to help with her dry skin, this morning she took a piece of paper and was making pouring motions into the tub, she is too funny.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Chinese New Year/Valentine's Day/Birthday's

Today was a big day, we celebrated Chinese New Year, Valentine's Day and birthdays. Lily started out the day with receiving a red envelope with $8.00 in it, in the Chinese culture 8 is a lucky number, representing prosperity. Then we gave her a little stuffed doggie that when you press its' belly it makes a smacking/kissing noise and says: "I love you".
Then up to Summerside for a birthday brunch with cake and ice cream. It is Pepe's, Aunt S., Cousin I's and Great Aunt D.'s birthdays this month.
She was in fine form last evening at the Chinese New Year celebration at the Delta. The 60 foot dancing dragon did not scare her silly. At the door when you presented your ticket you received a red envelope with a card from our local MP and a chocolate loonie. That provided great entertainment for the evening. As we where leaving the hotel Lily and I got to meet a bunch of parents from either NB or NS who were here for Jack Frost festival and to celebrate CNY with their daughters, all adopted from China. We had a great little chat and their daughter's were very excited to meet Lily, they were all 5 years of age or older.
Happy New Year.

Thursday, February 4, 2010

Winter Jacket

This morning Lily decided she was ready to head out for the day early, much too early for my liking. I am no longer use to heading out the door shortly after 7am. She is still wearing her PJs in these shots. She is feeling alot better today, thank goodness. Saturday she came down with a cold/flu and a fever. Hoping she will get a good night sleep tonight, it has been a very loooong week. I definitely have cabin fever and apparently I am a bit on the cranky side - ha!
We just finished watching a documentary called Hyper Parents and Coddled Kids, oh boy, I can easily see Dale and I being hyper parents. N

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Some firsts...

Gratuitous cuteness in the PJs that I picked out myself and brought to Mom and Dad's bed where they change me after my bath. (Clearly she is becoming more confident and secure.)

Yesterday we had several firsts for Lily. In the morning while I was making myself a coffee, I turned around to check on Lily and there she was swaying back and forth in her high chair, humming/babbling along to a John Mayer song. Then that evening was her first real temper tantrum. Oh my. Daddy had to pop into work for a few minutes, she decided she wanted some frozen yogurt in the deep freezer in the garage, but she had just had a bedtime snack so I said "No". Then she wanted to go down the basement to play with some of her toys and again I said "No" because it was actually past her bedtime. That is when the feet started to stomp and the crocodile tears started. Luckily it ended fairly quickly when I ignored her and then asked her if perhaps we should called the social worker who did our home study to report me...I know I should not be using sarcasm with her already I am suppose to be the adult. Next time I will refrain from using sarcasm - I hope.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Things that crack me up:

Lily`s new chair, just her size. Before we get to the fun stuff, Lily wants some folks to know that she includes them in her nightly prayers. Wishing for good health.

The following is a list of things that I love about Lily:

- How she walks around with a purse/bag on her arm like Sophia on Golden Girls.
- How she wants to change her shoes at least twice a day.
- How we have to look at the clothing in her closet once a day.
- How she snuggles as close as physically possible when we nap (which is not everyday - sigh).
- How she sleeps so well at night. I was hesitant to include this one in case I jinx it...
- How intelligent she is, no fooling this girl, she sees everything.
- How she loves to play peek-a-boo.
- How some evenings she will go to the back door grab her father's coat and her coat, without being able to say the words she clearly tells us she wants to go outside or for a car ride.
- How some folks are tickled pink when she blows them kisses.

Thursday, January 7, 2010

4 months almost...

Daddy and I, a self-portrait.

The odd time I am just too tired to make it through lunch or sometimes dinner.

It is hard to believe that Lily has been home with us for almost four months. The other night she and Dale were playing, they were chest to chest and he was sitting on the edge of the bed then would rock back till he was laying down, saying "weeeeeeeee" the whole time. Her laughter was so pure it stopped me in my tracks, she was so happy, brought tears to my eyes to hear that laughter.
The father and daughter bond is sealed for life now, the other evening Dale was singing away (no surprise to any of his co-workers if they are reading this) and Lily started to dance. My first thought was that this is truly a match made in heaven. Of course, he is tickled pink to finally have someone appreciate his vocal talents.
This evening we went to The Man Store (aka Canadian Tire) on the way out as we were putting on our jackets at the back entrance Lily reaches up grabs Dale's baseball cap and passes it to him, then grabs her little knitted cap, small things like that are just so funny, so out of the blue. It is normally a battle of wills to get her to wear a hat.
It has only taken us four months to figure out that a sure fire way to get her to eat two veggies at most meal time is to she is distract her with toys. Meal time is still a very slow process but so worth it to see her eating healthy, nutritious food (most of the time it is healthy - the odd chicken nuggets are served too).